Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Personality of Jane Eyre Essay Example

The Personality of Jane Eyre Paper Jane Ere was an extraordinarily solid, canny, and autonomous lady for her time. She was incredibly knowledgeable and endeavored to turn out to be all the more so by concentrating all alone and showing herself by understanding books. She supported herself and what she had confidence in and consistently expressed her genuine thoughts. She generally did what she put stock in regardless of whether that implied leaving the men she adored. She resolutely hauled herself through some serious hardship Just to maintain her qualities. Not very many ladies who lived during the Victorian Age could do what she did. Jane Ere proposed the Thought of being sent to an all inclusive school and takes a stab at Elwood in spite of undesirable mental and physical everyday environments. She was taught to such an extent that she proceeded to turn into an educator and private tutor. During her spare time Jane read numerous books to advance her learning. She continued to likewise show herself German. This demonstrated the amount she esteemed instruction not Just wedding Into a rich family and being a polite most lady of the Victorian age. She generally learned things rapidly in light of the fact that she generally attempted her hardest. Since Jane Ere was so knowledgeable she generally expressed her real thoughts. We will compose a custom paper test on The Personality of Jane Eyre explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on The Personality of Jane Eyre explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on The Personality of Jane Eyre explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer She never concealed her sentiments or attempted to conceal what she was thinking. On the off chance that somebody asked what she thought she said the specific truth, for example, when Mr.. Rochester inquired as to whether she suspected he was attractive l should, in the event that I had thought, have answered to this inquiry by something ordinarily obscure and gracious; yet the appropriate response by one way or another slipped from my tongue before I was awareNo, sir. Despite the fact that she risked offending her boss shed rather come clean at that point lie. She had genuine, canny suppositions about issues and ensured others knew them on an umber of times, for example, when conversing with SST. John about Ms. Oliver. At the point when they were talking about the image Jane had painted of her, Jane stated, As far as should be obvious, it would be smarter and progressively Judicious if you somehow happened to take to yourself the first without a moment's delay. Numerous individuals regarded this part of her character. She had values that she generally tried to maintain and one of those was not to lie about what you were thinking and how you felt. Two different estimations of Canes were just to wed somebody for affection, and not to remain with a wedded man. The explanation she would not wed SST. John was on the grounds that he didnt and couldnt love her. The main explanation he needed to wed her was on the grounds that he needed to take her to India to work with her accomplishing noble cause work. He believed that taking a youthful unmarried lady with him would be unsatisfactory however truly needed Jane to accompany him. He felt the best way to get around this was to wed her. To him it was just business, however Jane could just wed for affection. In spite of the fact that Jane adored Mr.. Rochester she couldnt wed him on account of the third worth, not to remain with a wedded man. She cherished Mr.. Rochester without question, all the more then any other individual, yet until the finish of the book when his significant other kicks the bucket she will not remain with him, Many ladies in the Victorian age could never surrender the affection for a well off man, particularly one as rich as Mr.. Rochester. Be that as it may, Jane, as troublesome as It was for her, left and began once again. This took enormous mental fortitude and quality on her part. To leave an individual you love and who adores you Is one of the most troublesome things for anybody to do. Jane adhered to her qualities as far as possible. This additionally takes outrageous quality. Jane Ere was a lady won had solid ethics Ana esteems Ana consistently adhered to what she had faith in. She left behind two union with do what she thought was correct. Most ladies during the Victorian Age lived to be hitched. She ensured she was as taught as she could be and was consistently open to learning new things. She generally expressed her genuine thoughts and never concealed what she was feeling. She showed superb character qualities that were extraordinary for ladies of her timeframe and more took after a current day female. She was autonomous and genuinely her own lady.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Project Life Cycle Sustainability Indicators

Task Life Cycle Sustainability Indicators Presentation A normal significance of maintainability is difficult to fabricate, which speaks to a test when attempting to accomplish concurrence on the best course in which it may be cultivated, (Mog, 2004). Different partners have started to receive the strategy of reasonable structure, (Zhang, 2014). Creating thought and enthusiasm over the social and ecological effect of business and how the social and natural (environmental factors, living space, atmosphere) issues influence business has driven a few organizations to firmly report and deal with their manageability impression, (Adams and Frost 2008). The structure division has constantly been seen as an amazingly essential bleeding edge for progressing maintainable advancement by increasingly possible practices in the obtainment, arranging, plan, development and office organization stages, (Zhang, 2014). Various advances are available for execution in making economical ventures over unmistakable periods of the activities, including arranging, structuring and support, (Zhang, 2014), view of reasonable usage of tasks is fundamental due with the impact it has on environmental factors and environs and furthermore concerns different gatherings (Bueno et al., 2013; Jeon and Amekudzi, 2005; Litman, 2007). A few pointers have been created to have the option to distinguish venture manageability at different degrees of the task life cycle. Manageability The triple primary concern has been made reference to in a few research works, this is frequently alluded to as the 3P’s (individuals, planet and benefit) or at times as 3BL, the triple main concern is alluded to as the establishment of manageability and it rose in the mid 90’s. Manageability has been characterized from numerous points of view by such a significant number of creators in their exploration work, however there is as yet a likeness in the definition, maintainability is tied in with saving regular assets, the earth for people in the future while using it, the simultaneous advancement of social, mechanical, condition and environment are general necessities for supportability, (Pons and Aquado, 2012; Terio and Kahkonan, 2011; Abeysundara and Babel, 2010). Kleindoorfer et al., 2005 characterizes maintainability as the . Since the philosophy of maintainable improvement was presented in 1987 by Bruntland, a great deal of progressive occasions have occurred to sup port the consideration on condition and manageability program, (Zainul Abidin, 2008). Abidin, (2010) referenced mindfulness and information as variables that support economical development, intrigue, request and execution comes after (Du Plessis, 2007). Structural designing activities has a huge level of commitment to the ecological maintainability, in development associations, supportable improvement has been a significant issue, (Holton et al., 2010), in a yearly report in UK, 42 development organizations were inspected to have little data on supportability, (Myers, 2005). Impressive changes identified with materials, the executives, aptitudes, procedure and developments required in the development association are because of practical issues, (Glass et al., 2008). The issue of supportability and how it influences the undertakings progress has been a rising issue among supervisory crews, so as to address the need towards feasible turn of events, practical assessment structures have been executed by the improvement business (Clevenger et al., 2013), a few systems for surveying infrastructural manageability of activities has been created, (Lim, 2009; Clevenger et al., 2013), these economical appraisal are made either by non-administrative, government or by joint work with scholastic bodies, a portion of these evaluation plans are accessible in state framework and furthermore some are accessible at national level, (Hezri, 2004). Organizations that follow the manageability guideline are probably going to encounter loss of pay, (Tan, Shen and Yao, 2011), reasonable structures are required to have less effect on the earth, despite the fact that the viability of the conveying procedure would be influenced by confusions in conveying feasible structure ventures, (Horman et al., 2006; Salkin et al., 2012). A few supportability factors for evaluating maintainability have been created; Lim (2009), recommended some manageability factors and the effect its execution has on street framework ventures, likewise feasible elements for surveying fabricated infrastructural ventures were proposed by Ugwu and Haupt, (2007) in their exploration work; these assembled foundation ordered under task the executives, economy, asset usage and nature. A few methods for observing maintainability in ventures have been created, supportability pointers have been created by different creators to screen manageability at different levels in a task, Dasgupta and Tam in 2005 built up a maintainability marker (Technical sustainibilty record) in light of existing exploration, likewise (Ugwu et al., 2006) in their examination work proposed a manageability marker called the Sustainability evaluation in infrastructural ventures. Structural ENGINEERING PROJECTS Different structural building ventures impacts on the earth, Zhang, Wu and Shen, 2014 announced that development ventures use a lot of vitality, assets, land and water, this prompts utilization of assets and vitality. To accomplish a supportable advancement in development ventures, it is important to have a reasonable execution over the project’s life cycle, (Shen et al., 2007), because of the advancing enthusiasm for the safeguarding of nature, development ventures are confronted with the test of delivering a practical task, for a development undertaking to be named manageable it must comprise of social, prudent and ecological components (Abidin, 2008). In actualizing economical undertakings, past research work has shown that in spite of the fact that it very well may be tedious, the expense of its usage isn't as costly as it appears. Cost, time and quality has been commonly portrayed as a basic factor in estimating the presentation of development tasks, (Chen and Chen, 2004) , for development activities to be finished on time is a necessity, albeit past research demonstrate that development ventures are not really finished on schedule, (Hussin, Rahman and Memon, 2013), Amu and Adesanya, 2011 detailed that with a sum of 3,407 undertakings in Nigeria, 1812 were deserted, 1517 were postponed while just 24 ventures were finished on schedule, likewise in Vietnam, it was perceived by their administration that the consummation of undertakings on time particularly government supported undertakings was a problem, (Le-Hoai, Lee, and Lee, 2008). Towhid and Amiruddin, (2012) recognized that the reason for the postponement in venture conveying is deficient arranging, delay in structure endorsement, conflict with configuration report. Plausibility In any case, propelling the manageability in any business zone has been able to be logically crucial and at the operational level inside associations. As per this progression, there is a creating stress that social and monetary issues have been surpassing regular issues in the present act of coordinating task possibility study, (Jorgensen, 2008). Shen et al., (2010) portrayed attainability concentrate as a need before beginning venture structure and development, additionally referenced in their exploration work is that the advancement of a task is legitimately influenced by the effectiveness of the practicality study. Arranging Arranging is basic in ventures, for an undertaking to be executed effectively it must be arranged appropriately, (Nowak and Nowak, 2013), connected the accomplishment of task to the righ plan toward the start of the undertaking, additionally Litman and Burwell, 2006 announced in their work that the requirement for composed arranging in various divisions is achieved by the accentuation on supportability concerning human exercises. Each undertaking is unique and as a result of this it is hard to appraise the length of the arranging procedure, (Schute, 2005). There are different elements that influence the arranging of tasks, a portion of these variables are money related, natural and inside issues that have to do with the venture groups, for example, confusion and absence of comprehension, resistance among colleagues, in Sozuer and Spang (2014) look into work, arranging process (length and cost) isn't just influenced by monetary issues yet additionally government law on manageable cond ition (securing the environment), such a significant number of different components were demonstrated likewise to influence the arranging procedure Plan Because of absence of coordinated organized methodology for reasonable evaluation, fashioners utilize their past foundation in structuring tasks to make decisions on new venture plan, (Ugwu et al., 2006). Manageability issues because of various variables that emerge during different undertakings can be tended to at the plan stage. Negative and positive perspectives in configuration are recognized at a beginning time using feasible evaluation, this early discovery makes it simple for issues to be tended to and furthermore to additionally alter and improve the undertaking plan, (Kumar, Rouquette and Lerner, 2012), Mulder (2006) depicted supportability with respect to structure in his exploration fill in as an ascribe a structure should meet as opposed to an additional point of reference. Issues encompassing manageability ought to as such be considered by engineers in the midst of all structure periods of a task through commonly fused enhancements to the standard technique Usage/BUILDING Scarcely any looks into suggested that while actualizing development ventures, manageable standards ought to be grasped, as this can add to benefit making, (Turk, 2009), anyway cost seems, by all accounts, to be an issue while executing economical common tasks, Zhang, Wu and Shen, 2014 recognized expense as the most significant factor which influences venture groups when they settle on choice, cost was additionally distinguished in their examination work to be

Friday, August 21, 2020

Frederick Douglass Essays (1707 words) - Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass has been told as long as he can remember what his identity was, what he was, and where he had a place. He was isolated from his mom at an extremely youthful age. The family that he knew where his individual slaves, and the majority of them were not his genuine family. He was persuaded that his dad was his lord, the man who might whip him and treat him as property and not as a child. Presently a freeman he should become his own individual. Frederick Douglass doesn't have the foggiest idea whether he prefers chicken or hamburger, it could be said. His entire life he was never been given the decision of anything. He was informed that he would eat chicken, and he likely never tasted meat. Presently it was the ideal opportunity for him to turn into a freeman in the feeling of the words as well as in his essence. At the point when he attempted to get away from the first run through, and afterward was found out, he dreaded being left in the jail always without anyone else. He dreaded being slaughtered, for attempting to get his opportunity. Frederick expresses: Following the special seasons were finished, in opposition to every one of our desires, Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Freeland came up to Easton, and took Charles, the two Henry's, and John, out of prison, and conveyed them home, disregarding me. I viewed this detachment as a last one. It caused me more torment than everything else in the entirety exchange. I was prepared for anything as opposed to detachment. (304) There we see that he dreaded being separated from everyone else. Which reveals to us something about his character. He was prepared for anything, with the exception of being left in prison and isolated from his proxy family. That is the thing that these men were to him. They lived respectively as a family, and living with someone else or four others you became aquatinted on an individual premise. They ate, rested, and inhaled each other for a segment of their lives. At the point when they chose to attempt to get away from they would do it together. They confided in one another in light of the fact that every one of their lives was in each individual's hands. They must be extremely cautious about the characteristic in which they acted. The smallest wrong move or articulation would send doubt upon them, what's more, cause a whipping or the dread that they may be slaughtered. At the point when he left Baltimore to make his opportunity way to New York City, he was extremely alone. He did not know himself. At the point when he showed up in New York, and was a freeman he composed home to a companion and attempted to clarify how he believed he stated, I felt like one who had gotten away from a lair of hungry lions. (314) Later on he says, he was feeling decreased and again he was forlorn and unreliable with his environmental factors. He was hesitant to be seized by the bosses once more. So his better half and himself set off to look for some kind of employment and a home. How might they know when it was there home or when they would feel secure and comfortable? In the wake of showing up in New York, Mr. Ruggles let him know that he expected to choose where he needed to live. How could he expect a slave who has just been the place he has been advised to go, and I'm certain didn't have the foggiest idea where he was a fraction of an opportunity to settle on a choice on where he needed to make home. Be that as it may, he settles on a shrewd choice, he tells Mr. Ruggles that he needs to go where he can utilize his exchange, a chalkier. With another spouse, and just five dollars they head out to begin an actual existence as free individuals. Indeed, even now as a freeman another person is settling on where they ought to go. He felt that he ought to go to Canada, however was encouraged against. Despite the fact that Mr. Ruggles is helping them, possibly they ought to have gone to Canada. It was Frederick's recommendation, and it appears just as he was interested by that thought. At that point he was encouraged in any case and settled on a safe place. The morning after Frederick and Anna showed up in New Bedford, he was told he would need to pick a name, for the explanation that there were such a large number of Johnson' s in Bedford. So what, there must be a hundred Smith's and they don't have to change their names. Your name is a piece of your personality, yet he is being informed that he should accomplish something. He has not been asked whether

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Focus on Finance at Columbia Business School

Columbia A quick glance at  Columbia Business School: Columbia currently ranks in eighth place as one of the best business schools, according to US News World Report (March 2012). It was ranked #4 for finance.  Ã‚   Columbias Class of 2013 and Finance 6669 people applied to Columbia Business School; 1062 applicants were accepted (16% acceptance rate). The middle 80% of accepted students had GMAT scores in the 680-760 range. The Columbia Business School class of 2013 has an average of four years of work experience and a median GMAT score of 720. 29% of class of 2013 students have undergraduate degrees in business. The greatest number of students entered CBS with industry experience in financial services (28%). 7% had prior experience in private equity. CBS Academics Related to Finance Economics Students are required to take two full core courses and 12 half-term core courses, three of which are chosen from the flex-core menu. First Term Core Courses 2 Full courses: Corporate Finance and Financial Accounting 6 Half-term courses: Managerial Statistics, Managerial Economics, Strategy Formulation, Marketing Strategy, Operations Management, Leadership Development Second Term Core Courses 2 Electives 3 Half-term courses: Global Economic Environment, Decision Models, Managing Marketing Programs 3 Flex-core classes, one from each category (see below) â€Å"Flex-Core† Menu Organization: Organizational Change, Power and Influence, Social Networks and Social Capita Performance: Operations Strategy, Financial Planning and Analysis Markets: Game Theory and Business, Global Economic Environment II: Business Cycles and Financial Markets, Incentives and Performance With more than half of Columbia Business Schools MBAs securing jobs in finance-related jobs, its no surprise that the Finance and Economics Division is CBSs largest division. Students who wish to pursue careers in this industry would take their first year electives and second year courses from the courses listed below. Courses Focused on Finance B6301-001 Corporate Finance 3.0 credit hours B6302-001 Capital Markets Investments 3.0 credit hours B8301-002 Advanced Corporate Finance 3.0 credit hours B8308-001 Debt Markets 3.0 credit hours B8309-002 Derivatives 3.0 credit hours B8313-001 Security Analysis 3.0 credit hours B8314-001 Real Estate Finance 3.0 credit hours B8323-001 Asset Management 3.0 credit hours B8345-001 Entrepreneurial Finance Private Equity 3.0 credit hours B8358-001 Banking Fundamentals: Value and Risk 3.0 credit hours B8399-004 Emerging Financial Markets 3.0 credit hours B8399-005 Real Estate Capital Markets 3.0 credit hours B8399-030 Social Impact Real Estate Investing Development 3.0 credit hours B8399-032 Financial Crises and Regulatory Responses 3.0 credit hours B9301-001 Finance Sustainability 3.0 credit hours B9301-043 Mergers Acquisitions 3.0 credit hours B9301-057 VC/Angel Deals: gut-driven tech investing 3.0 credit hours B9301-063 Investment Banking Tax Factors 3.0 credit hours B9301-066 Value Special Situation Investment 3.0 credit hours B9301-077 Applied Value Investing 3.0 credit hours B9301-111 Private Equity: the asset class, its investments its markets 3.0 credit hours B9301-116 Hedge Funds 3.0 credit hours B9301-128 Mental Models, Investment Frameworks 3.0 credit hours B9301-172 Institutional Investing and Endowment Management 1.5 credit hours B9301-174 Misunderstood Securities: Investing in Uncertainty and Change 3.0 credit hours B9377-003 Mergers Acquisitions in Media (Master Class) 3.0 credit hours B8201-003 Economics of Strategic Behavior 3.0 credit hours B8313-001 Security Analysis 3.0 credit hours B9301-173 Valuation 3.0 credit hours The table here shows which courses would be appropriate for specific finance-related careers. And this table shows a similar chart for PE/VC careers. Columbia CaseWorks Cases that will be of interest to students pursuing careers in the finance sector include: Cash is King: Microsoft’s 2004 Cash Disbursement, with Professor Laurie Hodrick Drop the Debt? Dilemmas Confronting the Design of Development Aid and Debt Relief, with Professor Marc Giannoni Liquidating Harvard, with Professor Andrew Ang The Perfect Storm: Citigroups $7.5 Billion Mandatory Convertible Issue, with Professor Enrique Arzac Valuing Currency Management: TOM vs. U.S. Commerce Bank, with Professor Geert Bekaert Walgreen Company, 1990: The Cash Distribution Decision, with Professor Laurie Hodrick) (See full list here.) Financial Research Centers at Columbia Business School The Center for Excellence in Accounting and Security Analysis The Center for Pricing and Revenue Management The Paul Milstein Center for Real Estate The Heilbrunn Center for Graham Dodd Investing CBS Finance-Related Clubs Financial Education Society   Columbia Investment Management Association Investment Banking Club Private Equity and Venture Capital Club Real Estate Association Columbia Finance Organization Equity Research Club Finance Hiring Stats at Columbia Business School In 2011, 50.3% of CBS graduates accepted full-time job offers in the finance industry.    Industry Percent Base Salary Range Commercial Banking 1 114,500 – 125,000    Diversified Financial Services 2.6 90,000 – 130,000    Hedge Funds/Mutual Funds/Fund of Funds 5.5 95,000 – 300,000    Investment Banking/Brokerage 27.2 90,000 – 150,000    Investment Management 6.7 85,000 – 225,000    Private Equity/Venture Capital 5.7 90,000 – 180,000    Research and Ratings 1 85,000 – 120,000    Other (including Insurance/Microfinance/ Public Finance/Treasury) 1.4 80,000 – 110,000    For internships for the class of 2012, 54% of students landed interns in the financial services. The monthly salary range by industry: Industry Percent Base Salary Range Diversified Financial Services 2.4 2,000 – 7,200 Hedge Funds/Fund of Funds/Mutual Funds 7.1 2,500 – 13,000 Investment Banking/Brokerage 28.8 1,923-12,000 Investment Management 5.5 3,000-9,616 Private Equity 5.7 2,000-18,000 Venture Capital 2.7 1,000-10,400 Other (including Commercial Banking/Insurance/Ratings) 1.8 5,120-10,000    Top hirers include: Goldman, Sachs Co. –18 graduates Citi – 16 graduates Deutsche Bank AG – 13 graduates Credit Suisse – 12 graduates American Express Company – 11 graduates Barclays – 11 graduates Bank of America/Merrill Lynch – 10 graduates JPMorgan Chase Co. – 9 graduates Morgan Stanley – 8 graduates UBS AG – 8 graduates Nomura – 6 graduates Jeffries Company, Inc. – 4graduates Standard Chartered Bank – 4 graduates Fidelity, Lazard, PIMCO – 3 graduates each    Are you applying to Columbia Business School? Please see our Columbia B-School Zone and Columbia Business School Application Packages for more information on how can help you get accepted. //

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Film Gringos At The Gate - 1492 Words

Latin Identity The film Gringos at the Gate is a documentary about the interesting and dynamic relationship between the United States and Mexico. It uses the sport of soccer, futbol, to highlight the patriotism each country has for their respective country. The director also highlights the issue of identity for Mexican Americans. Many are conflicted with the idea of not knowing who they are supposed to (or in some cases allowed to) support. In this class we spoke about how through history Latin America has struggled with identity. As seen in Jake Silverstein’s article, â€Å"Grand Opening Ronald McDonald conquers New Spain†, and Gringos at the Gate, the interaction between two countries in Latin America can lead conflict in deciding one’s†¦show more content†¦Soccer gives a kid the opportunity to bring money to their family if they are good enough. The film shows the historical significance of soccer as well. It shows how the Europeans came and showed Me xico soccer and it attempts to argue that the feelings from the Mexican-American War are reignited when the two sides play . Gringos at the Gate explores the theme of patriotism through the soccer rivalry. An example of this is when the United States plays America in the Estadio Azteca for a world cup qualifier match . Mexico wins the match and immediately afterwards has an over the top celebration. They have marches in the streets proclaiming their pride and hazing anyone who seems like they do not support Mexico. As Juliette Levy points out in the film Mexicans take the winning and losing much more passionately . If Mexico wins it’s all about how great they are and how much better they are than anyone else, but if they lose the all blame shifts towards the white people. Every opportunity against the Americans seems to be a way to prove oneself. Up to the point of the film being made America had never one in Mexico. The extremely rowdy fans make it almost impossible to commu nicate for the opposing side and makes them concentrate on the crowd rather than the game. Whenever the game between the two countries is played in America, America tries its hardest to put it as far away from Mexico as possible, but even then American fans are outnumbered. Even though Mexico

Emile Durkheim vs. Karl Marx free essay sample

Emile Durkheim vs. Karl Marx Durkheim vs. Marx Introduction: For so many years, authorities from each field have deliberated normative theories to explain what holds the society together. Almost each specialist, from structural functionalism, positivism and conflict theory perspective, had contributed their works trying to illustrate main problematic to our society.In one way, one of the Emile Durkheim’s famous work is â€Å"division of labor† which was primarily focusing on how the society could maintain their â€Å"integrity and coherence† in this modern society, when the power of boundary from religious and moral standards have no longer be effected. In addition, in order to illustrate how the deviant behaviours occurred, Durkheim also introduced the concept of Anomie into the sociological theory. Karl Marx, on the other hand, also sees the problematic of division of labor. However he claimed such problems are caused by alienation, which is a systematic result of Capitalism. Both of Durkheim and Marx are fundamental scholars to the sociology field, though it is our privilege to view their works afterwards, Durkheim’s theory is self-contradictory and lack of proves in somehow. Therefore, I found Marx’s conflict theory between different classes is much more consistent, comparing to Durkheim’s Anomy theory. Analysis 1: Emile Durkheim. Emile Durkheim is considered by most of people to be the father of Anomie theory. In this paper, I am going to briefly analysis his idea of â€Å"division of labor†, â€Å"religion† and â€Å"morality†. According to Ritzer, Durkheim reviewed that all troubles roots to division of labor.He stated the right or wrong of public with â€Å"mechanical solidarity† had been substitute by â€Å"organic solidarity†. It basically means that for nowadays society, each person was divided into a very specific place, and they play a stable and precise job in the society. Just like an organ play a role in human body (Ritzer, p. 110-111). According to Ritzer, Durkheim sees the society, which we live is categorized by division of labor. For example, in order to have a cup of coffee at your table every morning needs amounts of efforts of workers from gathering, making, packing, delivering etc.And this is what called â€Å"organic solidarity†, comparing to the early stages of society in which each person presented similar roles- mechanical solidarity (Ritzer, p. 107). According to Durkheim, he believed that societies had â€Å"collective conscience† that kept society in orders and individual disciplined. However, in contemporary society, the collective conscience had gradually been weakened. Therefore Durkheim developed his functionalist approach trying to build a new rule. Every collective group needs rules and boundaries to regulate individual inside.It is crucial in the modern society because they were part of the glue holding society together. I recall one Durkheim’s discussion of deviance in my Crim 101 class, while some criminologists treated crime as a pathological or psychological cause in the abnormal behaviours; Durkheim viewed crime as normal in terms of its existence. For incident, law enforcement would be useless if criminal behaviours were disappeared. Therefore, crimes exist for its purpose. In addition, according to Durkheim, anomie refers to norms and rules, which passed by generation to generation through institutions.Norms are the standards in society. Sometimes they are not right or wrong, but we as dominant x part of society created rules and major part of society followed (Ritzer, p. 109-110). For example, it once upon of the time was the norm for males to hold the door open for females. It was considered a behaviour, which a well-educated man should have done in same way. It gives the public an ideal model that what kind of person we should be, and what should not. Analysis 2: Karl Marx. To me, Karl Marx is the father of communism and also his most contribution to conflict theory is mainly because his work of â€Å"Alienation†.Though terms such as â€Å"Bourgeoisie† and â€Å"Proletariat† are difficult to remember, they are just words to identify two classes- capitalist and worker. According to Ritzer, as a conflict theorist, Marx categorized alienation into four particular types. First of all, labors in capitalist society are alienated from their â€Å"productive activity†. It simply means workers do not produce items based on their needs or ideas. They are just simply following instructions, instead of creating or directly satisfying their own needs.For example, worker A needs some wheat and corn to feed himself and his family, instead of going to grow corn by himself, he choose to go working for the capitalist, get pay-check, and buy the wheat and corn in a super-store. In other words, the Capitalist gains control of the worker. Secondly, in capitalist society, labors are alienated from the product. It means workers produced products that completely belong to the capitalists, no matter how desperate the worker needs. For example, there was a comic picture on newspaper about a story that a worker worked for a bakery factory starving for death.Thirdly, workers in capitalist society are alienated from their associates. According to Marx, capitalists assume that cooperation in capitalism is disrupted, therefore they requires â€Å"less talk, more work† as principal in capitalism work place. Finally, labors in capitalist society are alienated from their own human potential, which means at work place in capitalist society, workers are less and lass like a human. Every smiles and greetings are instructed. Consciousness a numbed and, workers are doing their job only for the paycheck, not concerning the customer any more (Ritzer, p. 54-55).Comparing both anomie theory and alienation theory, I find myself although so much admiring Durkheim’s Anomie theory because it is clear and organized, it still has so many problems not resolve yet. For example, according to Ritzer, Durkheim’s study on suicide rate can be seen as a accumulation of interpretation because they are considered as social facts, and social facts are interpreted. Since the number of suicide rate is not objective, it cannot speculate the result based on that data. In addition, Durkheim’s anomie theory focused on the norms and laws, so that deviant behaviours will decrease because of that deterrence.However, nowadays world is globalized and culture is gradually diverse. It is almost impossible to set rules for one standard of norms and consciousness. For example, twenty five years ago, the government encourage the female to give birth to the baby, the more the better. Moreover mothers who gave so many children will have privilege to be visited by the Chairman Mao. Then Twenty years ago in China, to persuade big house, nice furniture, and beautiful clothes is a crime. However, for today, consumerism is full of in China, on the other hand having more than one child is otherwise a crime.This is the perfect example for explaining norms changed occasionally while culture or value changed. Another example, I have a friend who is a Christian. He told me that he is a Christian since he was a little kid. However, he has a gay partner right now. I asked him about how can he deal with the conflict between his religion belief and his love. He simply said â€Å"I know that I am going to hell afterward, but so what†? I started to understand religion did have some strength to regulate people who have believes as Durkheim said. However, the power is gradually weaken.And till now, there is not such powerful strength yet to prevent people from conducting deviant yet, at least to most of people. Therefore, Durkheim’s Anomie theory seems a little insufficient nowadays. Karl Marx’s alienation theory also has many critics against his theory. Moreover, in old American movies â€Å"you communist† is equal to â€Å"you fool†. It gives us an idea that most North American people demeaned communism in general, because the first international was failed at last, because Utopian is so absurd that no rational people want to admit that they recognize communism as good theory.However, some critics argued that the failure of communist societies and their turn to a capitalistically oriented economy raise doubts about the position of Marxian theory (Ritzer p. 73). I believe that the so-called â€Å"failure of communist societies† is not a real failure. Like Marx speculated, this is only the phrase to the final communism. We have to go through capitalism to the end. Nowadays, we are around by wars, hates, diseases, injustice, negative competition, differences between poor and rich, we are facing amounts of problems and commercial companies are only concerned with how to sell those unnecessary products to normal family.I have to have believed in society that it is always darkest before the dawn. Marx has theory on alienation, which sight through the main problem at earlier stage of capitalist. Also Marx felt that he was capable of viewing capitalism’s potential future because of his materialist conception of history. Therefore, he can diagnosed the problem of society is human nature and tried to identify where political action could be more effective to the society (Ritzer, p. 75). According to Ritzer, Marx argued that human nature has the trend to gain more to satisfy the gratification.There is basically no way to eliminate that desire, at least to most of people. For current stage, it is the stage that people need to be full-filled by those materials. When the majority arrives that equalitarian of gratification, then we can move to the next stage, to build up the next level, intellectual level of desire. Unless, I still have hope on that. Although in China, we learned Karl Marx’s communism since we were in elementary school, I still cannot fully understand the communism. Maybe one of the reasons is that Marx had never completed his theory yet.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Choosing the Right Custom Essay Paper Writing Service

Choosing the Right Custom Essay Paper Writing ServiceThere are lots of writing services out there, but not all of them offer custom essay papers. If you need to hire a custom essay writer to write your school assignments for you, look for one that offers such services. You want to get exactly what you want out of the essay service you use. This article is going to give you some pointers on how to find a good essay writing service.The first thing you want to do is to make sure that the writing service you are considering for your custom essay is legitimate. Don't assume that they are just like any other writer you may have worked with before. There are scams out there. You want to use a service that is legitimate.You need to ask specific questions. One question to ask is whether or not the writing service specializes in custom essays. If the company you are considering does not specialize in custom essays, you might want to consider looking elsewhere. There are plenty of businesses th at specialize in this type of paper.Another question to ask is if the service is able to write about similar topics. You can probably trust a service that has written articles, short stories, and some pieces of essays on similar topics. But, there are also plenty of companies that do not specialize in custom essays.Make sure the writing service you are considering can write in a variety of styles. There are even a few companies that offer custom essay papers that you can get written in a variety of styles. This means that the service will be able to provide you with the kind of essay you need without having to rewrite your whole assignment from scratch.The last thing you want to ask a writing service about is their experience. Read reviews on a variety of sites online. Read testimonials, ask for references, and find out what people are saying about the writing service. Find out if the writing service is a business with a decent reputation or if there is a lot of controversy about th e company.By finding out as much as you can about the writing service, you can make sure that you don't end up with a custom essay that was poorly written. The process is pretty simple, but you want to make sure that you don't get ripped off. There are plenty of writing services out there that will offer you a quality custom essay.Spend a little time looking around and find the best writing service for your custom essay. Then you can be sure that you are getting an essay that was written by a professional. Keep in mind that if you can't get an essay written by the writing service you are considering, there are plenty of online options for you.